
Busy....with some random pictures

Spring is the craziest time of the year. Crazier than the fall because back-to-school doesn't really mean anything for homeschoolers. Crazier than Christmas because we have made huge efforts not to indulge ourselves in the chaos that is the consumer culture holiday frenzy. For us, it is the Spring that brings a jam-packed schedule and excitement around every corner.

This week started with a quick trip to Seattle. (Ha! Who drives 3 hours one way for a quick day trip? Anybody else that crazy?)

Our last day of home-school co-op. Followed by Presentation Night, which was fun, but busy. Theater class was fun fun fun, but now it will be nice to have a break.

Tuesday was a mid afternoon dentist appointment that basically broke up our day in just the right way that nothing productive could be done in the morning and there wasn't much motivation going into the evening.

Wednesday we decided we should maybe do some schoolwork, which is when I realized that I really need to be more organized with how we structure our school time, otherwise we end up at it for longer than the kids have attention for. We ended up being out late and had massive, half-asleep meltdowns from everyone upon arriving home.

Somewhere in there we've been trying to get miles logged for this weekend's races, I promised the kids a trip to OMSI (with passes that expire tomorrow!), one child is desperate to hit the Foster Indy Mart, we have new friends coming for dinner tonight, and then we head out of town for the weekend tomorrow.

The frightening thing.....this week is one of our least busy weeks of the next month.

On my list of things to do: (aside from May Day, mother's day, and birthday gifts galore)

this dress

organize this blog

start packing

play outside on sunny days

keep the kitchen clean so that I can actually cook dinner

read for book club


**As I finished writing this I realized everything on my "to-do list" is things I want to do and nothing of the to-do things I actually need to do. Interesting. I see why I never get anything done**

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