
An Update

Sometimes it goes so long between blogging that you just need to list what you've been up to before you feel like you can move on.....so that's what you get today....no pictures, because that would require more than the 3 minutes of time I currently have to hang out with the computer.

-Easter was an amazingly awesome day of celebration with our church community. A little glimpse at the gorgeous feast here. Not to mention the bounce house, face painting, and Toms shoes decorating for the kids.

-That same afternoon we left town for two weeks in good old Oregon. It was good, so good. I could write a million things, but lets just say it was even more than I hoped it would be. The perfect blend of visiting, relaxation, high energy craziness, fun, sad, quiet, loud. Seriously wonderful. Ahh.

-1/2 marathon #2 for me was fun because my dad ran with me. The kids marathon was fantastically enjoyable for them. I broke 2 hours, but my lack of training is always a buzz kill when I recognize what I could potentially run if I ever put a little effort in. Which I would certainly like to do, but life tends to get in the way of that.

-Last weekend I pulled off a big old surprise birthday party for Jeremy. Seeing as he was in the house all day while I was preparing and scheming,  cooking and decorating. And I somehow got away with it all and he had no idea. I was pretty pleased with myself! Pictures and all that fun can be seen here.

-We took one of those personality test things last night with a group of folk from Missio. Those things are always fascinating and disturbing to me at the same time. I think because I tend to always have the kind of results that are super abnormal and that always makes me feel weird. I also am never a fan of the way they clearly point out the ways that you totally know you fail and try to ignore about yourself. But still it was fun. The guy giving us the test looked at our results as a couple and it was interesting to hear his perspective on how Jeremy and I work in a relationship. Apparently, really well. Which we knew....but is certainly cool to have that affirmed.

-Around the house life is a little full and crazy. But also fun and exciting. Our yard is the embarrassment of the block despite the fact that we are trying to get it under control. Time and money just aren't on our side in that department. Plus with 4 current roommates plus an array of visitors there are plenty of other projects that are constantly at the top of the to-do list.

-I finally got the measurements I needed to finish the speaker covers I was working on. So those *should* be done this week and then some creatively fun projects just might get going around here again.

And that's what I've been up to. Kind of. At least some of the highlights.

1 comment:

danc said...