
Menu Plan (9.24 -9.30)

The menu plan for last week was not perfect by any means, but it was a good attempt. When kids were smaller and we were always home it was so much easier to plan and prepare every night's meal. Now that it is so much easier to get out of the house on a whim and take advantage of unplanned opportunities to do fun things it is in exchange harder to plan meals.

The menu plan did ensure that I always had ideas at my fingertips on the days I needed something. And the crockpot meals (while not served on their intended days) were helpful for our busiest afternoons! So...we'll keep at it.

Monday : PICNIC @ the Zoo, courtesy of husband's PMBA program. :)

Tuesday: Potato Soup

Wednesday: Moroccan Stew

Thursday: Spaghetti and Marinara Sauce (hopefully several bags of sauce will go in the freezer this day too!)

Friday: Homemade Pizzas

Saturday: Fajitas

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