
Why do I plan anything??

It always amazes me how I can spend a good amount of time preparing and planning for what we are going to accomplish each day and then the kids wake up or daddy comes home and all of my planning goes right out the window. For example, Saturday I had a list a mile long of all the things that we just had to get done that day. Jeremy gets up and after avoiding my requests to get started on our errands he suggests (out loud and in front of little ears) that we go up to the mountains for a hike!! And there went our Saturday, although I can't complain it was a blast, but you get what I mean about why do I plan anything!!

I've had the same experience with school this week. No matter how great my ideas seem the kids just keep coming up with something better! Or they are just unresponsive to my ideas and that forces me to stop what we're doing and come up with something better! Either way it has helped me to let go of my list of things to-do today and enjoy each moment as it comes at me. I look for the little learning opportunities built into our everyday play and look to my kids to lead me to the ways that they are going to be best able to learn.

Baking cookies....

Mixing paints...

Writing books....

Observing a poor captive caterpillar...

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