
Expanding my Skills

I have expanded my sewing beyond the baby blanket. My accomplishments now include :

Bags (with a liner even!) This yellow one is my favorite!!

Baby pants! They are totally huge waisted to fit over the cloth diaper, but the good thing about that is they also make nice capris on big sister!

A skirt and jumper that I'll post a picture of later, they still have a few little finishing touches to be complete!

And a new found skill of knitting! I have made a very firm rule with myself that knitting is not to be done while sitting on the couch! It is a portable hobby and therefore I only allow myself to do it when I'm in a place where I can't do anything else productive. So you all can guess what will be keeping me from falling asleep on the Thanksgiving drive to Eugene.....I think that might make my husband secretly appreciate this new crafty hobby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that bag! Very impressive. : )