
New things coming soon to this blog

I often ponder the purpose of this blog, or really the purpose of any blog for that matter. Sometimes it's obvious. Maybe it's a way for a group to communicate about upcoming events or discuss topics, it's another option to the "groups" you can form on google or yahoo. Maybe the purpose is to raise awareness about a topic, maybe it's a way to promote a business, or a way to share wisdom or lifestyle advise to a community group that extends beyond your neighborhood. My other blog has a purpose, it is to update the long distance family and friends with pictures and stories of what's going on with the kids.

This blog, however, serves no valuable purpose that I can pinpoint. It is a fun place for me to ramble on my thoughts (like I'm doing now), pretend that I'm crafty (which I'm really not) and share all my wise tips on green living, parenting, cooking and homeschooling (HA, that last reason makes me laugh out loud). I really don't have a clue what I'm doing, but I'm not too bad at pretending I do.

So while the blog may have no purpose other than to provide me entertainment and be a place to put my thoughts down in writing, it is going to at least get a little more organized in the next few weeks.

Once a week I'm going to be posting a recipe for the Enviromom Meatless Supper Club. The purpose of this is to encourage families to try and eat one meatless dinner a week. Just one! We're big on baby steps around here, no need to jump in head first and drown, just wade into the shallow end of vegetarianism one meal at a time. The ladies over at Enviromom are super cool gals and they are a really encouraging support to anyone trying to live a little bit "greener". No matter where you are in that journey, they have great ideas and thoughts to encourage, challenge and support. Check out Enviromom next Friday, October 2nd for their first week of the Meatless Supper Club and you may find yourself a new vegetarian recipe that you're willing to try.

Another new thing that you'll be seeing soon are some book reviews. I am going to be reviewing some books for Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers which should be a fun and interesting new endeavor. I just finished the first book they sent me and I am anxious to sit down and write the review. You should be seeing those pop up here and there starting next week. If reviewing books is something you might be interested in you can check out this link and apply to be a book reviewer yourself!

You'll still see random crafty projects on here and I'm contemplating the idea of doing a regular home-school post, but we'll have to see about that. I hope that by being more intentional with my posts I'll maybe start to see a purpose behind this blog and be able to enjoy it even more.

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